Case Study: Manchester Metropolitan University Library

Manchester Metropolitan University’s All Saints Library has undergone a refurbishment, using over 450 metres of fascia and wall coping from Guttercrest.

Built in 1972, Sir Kenneth Green Library occupies five floors in the All Saints building on Oxford Road and is just 15 minutes’ walk from Manchester city centre. The library supports multiple faculties, including Arts, Business and Law.

The view of the site from Lower Ormond Street shows a revamped building roofline, with freshly-installed bespoke coping and secret fix fascia, which were developed in collaboration with contractor Hal Building Envelope.

The aluminium fascias were ribbed for rigidity and fixed to concealed brackets with a bespoke 3mm thick aluminium coping to form a flush exterior.

Guttercrest’s experience and expertise in the design of aluminium fascias and copings helped them to win the contract.